Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Impressions of Iraq from a troop on the ground.

No Quarter
[Note from Larry C Johnson: Received this today from a CIA buddy who in turn received it from a friend in Iraq. One soldier's perspective from the ground level.]

Anyway, here's the assessment. This place; big picture - hopeless. Wrong plan, wrong place. 2003-2004 was done so wrong that we can't recover. The Iraqi leadership doesn't really want us here, they just want our money and equipment and they want us to get out of their way so they can accomplish their own personal agendas. Everything is about positioning themselves for when we leave. And they know we're leaving, every invader/occupier always has and this current one isn't shy about stating it in the press. Corruption is an art form here and we just keep playing into it.


We just need to figure out an exit strategy that will keep casualties to a minimum and get out, quickly. Then in 5-10 years, we'll be back to try to break the back of the extremist Muslim regime that has been committing genocide on other Muslims and has enabled/empowered terrorism against Jews, Christians and America. Maybe we'll get it right on the return trip.



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