Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Either there will be an impeachment befor Bush leaves office, or the USA is over.

First, there is an almost inexorable logic that is and will continue to lead Republicans to the conclusion that they cannot afford two more years of Bush. Bush is isolated on Iraq. The Republicans do not want to follow him. Here's David Brooks explaining it to Tim Russert on Meet the Press:

MR. BROOKS: If I could say something about internal Republican politics and about this show. I hope Josh Bolten, the White House chief of staff, was watching Gingrich this first half of this show. Gingrich said, “Unless we fundamentally restructure what we’re doing in Iraq, we will not win.” He is not far off from where a lot of Republicans are. Probably where most elite Washington Republicans are.

So what’s going to happen? These Republicans do not want to run in 2008 with Iraq hanging over. They never want to face another election like that. So at some point, six months, eight months, there’s going to be men in gray suits. There’s going to be a delegation going into that White House saying to President Bush, “You are not destroying our party over this.” And Bush will push back. But that’s going to be the, the tension. Talk about world—American support for the war, it’s Republican support in Washington for the war that the president needs to worry about.

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