Thursday, November 23, 2006

When you think about it, this is a HOOT!

James Wolcott

Help Buy Johnny New Shoes (Updated and Improved)

Me seen some pretty perthetic things in my many years here on the blogdeck, but nothing as lame-o as the Pajamas Media fund drive to keep "Joltin'" John Bolton at the UN. Claudia Rosett's bright idea:

If Congress is absolutely determined to reject the best UN ambassador the world has seen in about a quarter of a century--John Bolton--then the only alternative if President Bush wants to keep him is another recess appointment. For that, Bolton would have to work without pay. It???s enough to make a person want to suggest that if you really care about trying to do some good in the world via the UN, stop sending your kids out to collect for UNICEF, and start sending them out to collect donations to keep John Bolton in office.


So, in the interest of fighting fire with fire, I wonder if anyone will start a campaign to scrap the UNICEF cans (they are not all about feedling wide-eyed children; they double-billed and padded their budgets in Iraq), and start collecting for Bolton.

I can't think of a better way to make the U.S. the world's laughingstock than to have a blog-supported UN representative who can't clear Congress, but needless to say the JM nitwits are ready to roll up their flannel sleeves and pitch in, with a blogger named AskMom offering to provide the shoebox to hold donations. "It would be an honor given that I admire Bolton as much as I detest Pelosi, and that is a very great deal indeed."



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