Thursday, November 23, 2006

Could this be one reason Pelosi was pushing for Murtha?

Jane Hamshire at Firedoglake

From Steny Hoyer, the new House Majority Leader and major proponent of the Bankrupcy Bill:

TPM Reader KS: Mr. Hoyer, please explain how the passage of the bankruptcy bill last year will actually benefit anyone OTHER THAN the credit card companies and the big banks in light of the rising expense, employment instability, and healthcare uncertainty of living in the United States, especially given that more than half of all bankruptcies filed by individuals in the past were in response to a single catastrophic event, such as losing a job or experiencing a health-related crisis.

HOYER: I voted for it because I believe in personal responsibility. For people who incur debt but can't pay through no fault of their own because of a catastrophic event, obviously there needs to be protections.

Since there are no "protections" in the Bankruptcy Bill for people who develop cancer or other serious illnesses (or for those who must leave higher paying jobs when they are called into National Guard service), I guess these are not considered "catastophic events" and people who recklessly court them are, therefore, at "fault." Good to know.


Perhaps we should all remind our congresscritters that this election showed that they too could be shown the door.


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