Thursday, November 16, 2006

We've GOT to do something about voting before '08!

Either we do something about the voting process, or we might as well flip for it. It's pretty obvious that the current crop of machines is crap. The current crop of machines is embarrassing. How can anyone seriously consider a Diebold product in the light of the incompetence they have displayed in the production of their voting machine. Either the design team are idiots, or thecompany is as crooked as a hounds leg. And either prospect is unsetteling when you are considering votes, or large amounts of money. The software really needs to be reviewed. Combed for backdoors and gotchas. A few mistakes would be par, but I suspect there is a viper's nest hidden in the code.

Perhaps the Oregan mail-the-ballots plan should be considered. Whatever happens, there MUST be a hard paper trail left. Anything else is not acceptable.

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