Thursday, August 17, 2006

The Smell of Fear

by Robert C. Koehler

"Turns out that those of us who thought something smelled funny about the timing and all - peace had just broken out in Connecticut, for instance - were getting a whiff of more than just discarded aftershave."

"It's outrageous enough that the arrest in London last week of 24 terror suspects was premature and dovetailed not with the accumulation of evidence against them, but with the White House's need to call the voters who dumped Joe Lieberman "Defeatocrats" (House Majority Leader John Boehner) and coddlers of "al-Qaida types" (Dick Cheney)."

"But the outrage is magnified by the fact that the Bush administration, even as it stoked national paranoia over a plot to detonate carryon liquids aboard transatlantic flights, was, according to the Associated Press, quietly defunding the development of technology to detect those very bombs. Indeed, the research arm of the Department of Homeland Security has become a "rudderless ship without a clear way to get back on course." This is the bipartisan assessment of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the AP said.

"The goals of the White House are not to stop terrorism; the goal of the White House is to allow terrorism to fester in order to - as the basic game plan for dictators goes - use fear to consolidate tyrannical power and do away with our Constitutional checks and balances of government and guarantee of individual liberties," the Web site BuzzFlash editorializes."

"The word for this, the editorial notes, is treason."



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