Saturday, December 09, 2006

Are the long knives out?

Booman at Booman Tribune

Now, there are those that are merely 'mindful of the drubbing the party received in last month’s midterm elections'. They make up one part of the emerging bipartisan impeachment coalition. But the more compelling contingent are the ones that are absolutely in a panic over our Iraq policy. If they can't convince the President to pay attention to them, they will have no choice but to take him out any way they can.


If Bush doesn't make a dramatic change of course, he will leave the GOP no choice but to accede to impeachment proceedings. The exact pretext for Bush and Cheney's removal, and the make-up of the caretaker government, will have to be quietly worked out, but you can be sure that the long knives are out and many power players are going to be spending the holidays plotting out scenarios that will get us out of this nightmare...and fast.



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