Friday, November 03, 2006

Tom Friedman: On who's zoomin' you.

I've read a bunch of Friedman's stuff and decided he was right in line for the Kool-Aid and haven't paid him much attention since. It appears he has lost his taste for the drink. And Bush has finally lost Friedman.
From Todd Mitchell at The Democratic Daily:

George Bush, Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld think you’re stupid. Yes, they do.

“They think they can take a mangled quip about President Bush and Iraq by John Kerry — a man who is not even running for office but who, unlike Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney, never ran away from combat service — and get you to vote against all Democrats in this election.

“Every time you hear Mr. Bush or Mr. Cheney lash out against Mr. Kerry, I hope you will say to yourself, “They must think I’m stupid.” Because they surely do.

“They think that they can get you to overlook all of the Bush team’s real and deadly insults to the U.S. military over the past six years by hyping and exaggerating Mr. Kerry’s mangled gibe at the president.

What could possibly be more injurious and insulting to the U.S. military than to send it into combat in Iraq without enough men — to launch an invasion of a foreign country not by the Powell Doctrine of overwhelming force, but by the Rumsfeld Doctrine of just enough troops to lose? What could be a bigger insult than that?



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