Monday, November 06, 2006

The consequences of a democrat win.

Steve puts into words what I've been feeling. Although I'd love to see Shrub lose it, what he is capable of doing is terrifying to consider.
Paul Krugman via Steve Gilliard's News Blog:
I freely admit I am nervous. But not because I'm worried about a Democratic victory. I think it would take a miracle for that not to happen. They happen, but that isn't what bothers me.

What does bother me is what happens next. Iraq is increasingly untenable. The Military Times chain of newspapers are going to denounce the war in the strongest terms possible. Most of the new Congress will be very opposed to the administration. I just don't know how Bush can handle it. I seriously, seriously think he will have a breakdown if he's faced with a hostile Congress. Sure, Nancy Pelosi doesn't want to play investigator, but do you think he's gonna sign any Democratic bills?


Krugman doesn't say this, but I will: Bush breaks under pressure. Michael Ledeen said one smart thing in his sea of lies about Iraq, Bush is surrounded by women who are in love with him, his wife, Condi, Harriet Myers and Karen Hughes. This is not the retinue of a strong man. Bush is weak, he has been weak all his life.

The new Congress will not have weak people in it. Sestak, Murphy, some of these folks are anything but weak. They are going to demand answers.

But something else needs to be said. Cheney has limited his public appearances all year. My feeling is that between his heart and his meds, he's prone to actually doing very little. He's even fallen asleep in public, to little notice.

If you're worried about polls or GOP dirty tricks, stop. They don't matter any more. I think people just stopped listening to the GOP.

Worry about what comes next.



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