Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The former head of The U.S. Elections Assistance Commission: the United States voting system is "ripe for stealing elections."

Steven D at Booman Tribune
Brad Blog has a copy of a partial transcript of an interview by a "major broadcast network" of the former head of the U.S. Elections Assistance Commission appointed by Bush, Rev. DeForest Soaries. In that unaired interview, the Rev. Soaries says that, in the wake of HAVA (Help America Vote Act), the United States voting system is "ripe for stealing elections."

[Rev. DeForest] Soaries was appointed by George W. Bush as the first chair of the commission created by the federal Help America Vote Act (HAVA) in the wake of the 2000 Presidential Election Debacle. In the interview, available here for the first time, Soaries excoriates both Congress and the White House, referring to their dedication to reforming American election issues as "a charade" and "a travesty," and says the system now in place is "ripe for stealing elections and for fraud."

Having resigned from the commission in April of 2005, Soaries goes on to explain that he believes he was "deceived" by both the White House and Congress, and that neither were ever "really serious about election reform." [...]


(I'd like to know which upstanding broadcaster decided this wasn't newsworthy)


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