Saturday, August 19, 2006

Simbaud on Robert A. Heinlein and how to prevent terrorists.

During my formative years R.A.H. was by far my favorite author. And I often wondered how things would be, if, for some reason it really would become necessary for people to go about their business essentially nude. It seems we're not far from finding out!

"Many of our worthy counterparts at the right-wing blogs have gone on the record as vigorously proponents of the ethnic profiling of swarthy Middle Eastern males between the ages of 18 and 40. Now the standard terrorist profile has been expanded to include their moms, wives, and girlfriends; how will they address the emerging threat of brassierofascism?"

Heinlein, thou shouldst be living at this hour:
U.S. authorities are advising women not to wear gel bras on airplanes as information developed in the foiled London plot points to an expanding role for women in smuggling explosives on to an aircraft.
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