Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I Love it - The No Stem Cell pledge

Jonatha Alter proposes a pledge fashioned after the 'No Tax Pledges' put forth by Grover Norquist, for all those upright Christians who want hold sacred that little life
- and to just trash the embryo's.

I can envision a no-stem pledge being proffered in a similar way. In July, 37 senators and 193 members of the House backed Bush and voted against allowing even surplus embryos headed for the trash bin to be used in federally funded research. If they have any moxie, their opponents this year will show up at debates (or press conferences in contests with no debates) and challenge the incumbents who voted with Bush to promise that they will never use any treatments derived from embryonic-stem-cell research. In other words, to put their own health where their votes are.

The actual written pledge (patterned on Norquist's) could include language something like this: "Because of my strong opposition to embryonic-stem-cell research, I hereby pledge that should I, at any point in the future, develop diabetes, cancer, spinal-cord injuries or Parkinson's, among other diseases, I will refuse any and all treatments derived from such research, at home or abroad, even if it costs me my life. Signed, ______"

Wonder how many of these wankers will put their life on the line. If the chickenhawk pattern holds true, most will have 'other priorities'.

Read the piece


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