Saturday, July 15, 2006

Remember that day in Viet Nam?

You know, at the embassy. All the helicopters and the people crowding into them. That was the day the dominoes fell.
Don't look now but they are falling again, in Iraq.

The Iraqi Cival War Has Begun

My God, what have we done? What have we unleashed?

The answer, unfortunately, is all out civil war. There is no way we, or anybody else, is going to get this genie back in the bottle. Through our arrogance, carelessness and even malice, we started a sectarian battle between the different ethnicities of Iraq. And that battle has now blossomed into an absolute war.

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Baghdad starts to collapse as its people flee a life of death

As I hung up the phone, I wondered if I would ever see my friend Ali alive again. Ali, The Times translator for the past three years, lives in west Baghdad, an area that is now in meltdown as a bitter civil war rages between Sunni insurgents and Shia militias. It is, quite simply, out of control.
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