Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Continuing with Foley is Fun... But, as Arianna Points out, it's really about trust.

The Foley Scandal: It's Not About Sex; It's About Trust

I just read the perfect summation of why the Foley scandal threatens to become the nail in the GOP's 2006 coffin:

"This isn't an isolated situation. It is only the most recent example of Republican House leaders doing whatever it takes to hold onto power. If it means spending billions of taxpayers' dollars on questionable projects, they'll do it.

The current narrative -- that the American people can't trust these guys to look after the interests of vulnerable children -- fits in perfectly with the building narrative that the American people can't trust them in so many other areas: We can't trust them to tell the truth about the war in Iraq. We can't trust them to tell the truth about who really benefits from their tax cuts. We can't trust them to tell the truth about what they are doing to protect us at home. We can't trust them to tell the truth about the predatory actions of their point man on child porn.
Read the rest


Blogger REB 84 said...

Its amazing how the American media works. We have lost fifteen more American service people over the last couple days, and what is getting attention? Its just another sex scandal. And it wasn't even real sex.

Florida Republican Rep. Mark Foley's instant message records indicate he is a dude who gets off on fantasy cyber sex with teenaged boys. I believe this is the first virtual sex scandal in Washington DC political history.

Back here in the real world, American men and women are killed, maimed and scarred, both physically and emotionally every day. War is hell. Finally, the mainstream media is beginning to support our troops by speaking the truth about their sacrifices. more

12:44 AM  

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